Latest news:

My new book, Perpetual Motion, is now available for preorder! The estimated release date is November 1st. You can preorder here for important discounts and friendly shipping rates. See Books for more information.

I’m participating in this year’s summer exhibitions at the online Blue Note Gallery. Here are links to both exhibitions
Roots and Reflections

This comng summer I will once again show my work at the Kunstmarkten Spaarndam. on Saturday July 13th and July 20th. Please stop by to say hello!

I grew up in the 50’s on the north-eastern coast of the United States. I was given my first camera when I was 18, following in my mother’s and grandfather’s footsteps. But life got in the way, as it sometimes does, so it wasn’t until after my retirement in The Netherlands that I started taking my photography seriously.

When I published my autobiography in 2015, I had no idea that, not even a year later, my life would be totally inundated by the desire to be a photographer… an expressive photographer. My love of photography had always been there. But suddenly the barriers broke, and the creative life I’d always denied myself came surging in. Recently I’ve started making more and more images that express my moods and emotional responses to the landscape. Photographing what lies beyond the simple truth of what I see.

My work has been published in On Landscape (UK), The Luminous Landscape (CA), and Natuurfotografie (NL). I’ve participated in various exhibitions at museums and art galleries both in Europe and the United States.

I’ve always loved to write and, besides the aforementioned articles and my book, I keep a blog (somewhat erratically) on various topics which you can find here under Essays.

As a photographer I’m committed to treat nature with respect. I’m therefore an ambassador for Nature First, an alliance for responsible nature photography.

Social media links:
Facebook: Madeleine Lenagh Photography
Instagram: ExpatMaddi

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